Sunday, May 19, 2013
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Apa nk update ek??(tau dh lama x x tahu nk update apa...) Apa yg aq tahu la nih...La ni aq B.o.S.a.N...G.e.L.a.P...K.o.S.o.N.g.... Aq x tahu apa nk jd dgn aq nih..
Ntah la...Aq rasa sampe sini dulu kot post kali nih...kalo ada rezeki, kita jumpa lg la yer...bye..salam..
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Medical Health Screening...
How are you guys?? Hope doing good n better...I got nothing much to say..nothing much to nag..nothing much to express..n nothing much to show...hehehhee...the only thing is, I'm sick...sick..sick..sick..sick..n's been a long time..I think since past 3 month already...Dunno how to explain it..went to see a doctor..but only they can say is..that I'm having headache because of tense n stress...hurrrmmmm....:(
It's true?? hurrrrmmmmm...well I don't think so...coz they tried lots of medicine on me..but none of them works...example like last Friday..I got my headache since morning after I woke up till night b4 I went to bed...I already took the medicine...I already drank lots of plain water (as per what my parent said, headache may be cause of lack of water inside ur body..n oxygen cannot circulate to ur brain..), but nothing happened..still with the headache...for 17hours...huk3...what a nightmare...
So, this morning..I decided to call Ampag Puteri Hostipal to check about the Medical Health Screening n luckily I can bill everything straight to ISKL..YAHOOOOO!!!...need to set an appointment but still wait for the suitable date n time..the staff at Ampang Puteri said that the best timing to come n do the screening is in the morning..and it will take half to full day..Hope after this everything will be okay...
So,that's all for today n right now...will update more later..see ya...Assalamualaikum n have a great day...;)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year 2011...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dah lama aq x update blog nih....bukannya apa...byk sgt keje yg dok menanti tuk di bereskan...pas tu dgn masalah dalaman...n masalah luaran...hurrrmmmmmmm....terpaksa melupakan sebentar "kawan karib" ku ini....kat sini la aq dpt luahkan segala isi hati aq...yg x puas hati..yg puas hati..yg setengah puas..yg terlebih puas...semuanya ada...
Kt opis aq ni semua expatriate yg ada dh balik negara drg dh, tuk celebrate Christmas n New Year...hbs la sunyi sepi...tinggal la baper kerat org Malaysia jer kt, apa lg..dh x tahu nk wat per...keje2 yg boleh mengisi masa lapang akan bermula la...dgr video clips...edit pic kawan bertunang...
pix pas edit..
apa korunk rasa??okay ke x??or ada idea2 lain yg leh aq wat tuk pix2 yg berikutnya...??
I think I need to stop at here 1st..need to grab my lunch..if not...x sempat la, update seterusnya insya' allah mlm nih...:D..k lah..gtg...jng lupa lunch yer...salam..
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Deepavali Celebration @ ISKL
Salam...good morning guys...wazzz up?
just wanna update the new event that just happened yesterday at my office @ ISKL...
A bit bout the event; called as 1Malaysia Deepavali Celebration.
Date: Wednesday, 10th November 2010
Time: 4:00 pm
Venue: Senior Lounge
Dress code: Indian costumes (Shah Rukh Khan and Aiswarya Rai move over, here WE come!)
Lots of cool n nice food were serve yesterday..such as Mutton, Vegetarian chicken sambal, Cucumber raitha, Dhal – vegetarian, Briyani rice, Chicken – varuval, Puthu mayam, Idli, Mix vege, Teh tarik – masala tea, Lime juice, Cakes n Fruits.
So, how??isn't yummy??hehehhee
here's some pix of yesterday, enjoy it...
Never Forget You
Watcha drinking?
Rum or whiskey?
Now won'tcha have a
Double with me?
I'm sorry I'm a little late
I got your message by the way
I'm calling in sick today
So let's go out for old time's sake
I'll never forget you
They said we'd never make it
My sweet joy
Always remember me
We were mysterious
And you were always wearing black
I was so serious
You know my boyfriend's mother
Nearly had a heart attack
I'm sorry I'm a little late
You know the stripes on a tiger
Are hard to change
I know this world feels
Like an empty stage
I wouldn't change a thing
So glad you're back again
I'll never forget you
They said we'd never make it
My sweet joy
Always remember me
I'll never forget you
At times we couldn't shake it
You're my joy
Always remember me
We just got swallowed up
You know I didn't forget you
We just got swallowed up
Well, we just got swallowed up
But you love that I didn't forget you
We just got swallowed up
By the whole damn world
Watcha thinking?
Did you miss me?
I borrowed your silver boots
Now if you'd just let me
Give them back to you
I'll never forget you
They said we'd never make it
My sweet joy
Always remember me
I'll never forget you
Although at times we couldn't shake it
You're my joy
Always remember me
Don't you know that you're my joy
Always remember me
Don't you know that you're my joy
Always remember me
Monday, November 8, 2010
Jangan Kau Lepas...
Peluklah diriku dan jangan kau lepas
Kau ku dan jangan kau lepaskanku darimu…
Ku takkan pernah tertawa
Ku takkan pernah bahagia
Ku takkan pernah merasakanmu
Bila kau tak disini
Ku takkan pernah tertawa
Ku takkan pernah sempurna
Ku takkan pernah merasakanmu
Bila kau tak disini
Izinkan aku…, berlutut mengharap
Kau tuk kembali
Izinkan aku…, berharap dirimu
Kembali, dan kembali, dan kembali lagi
Peluklah diriku dan jangan kau lepas
Kau ku dan jangan kau lepaskankan ku
Peluklah diriku dan jangan kau lepas
Kau ku dan jangan kau lepaskankan ku
Ku takkan pernah tertawa
Ku takkan pernah bahagia
Ku takkan pernah merasakannya
Bila kau tak disini
Izinkan aku…, berlutut mengharap
Kau tuk kembali
Izinkan aku…, berharap dirimu
Kembali, dan kembali, dan kembali lagi
Peluklah diriku dan jangan kau lepas
Kau ku dan jangan kau lepaskankan ku
Peluklah diriku dan jangan kau lepas
Kau ku dan jangan kau lepaskankan ku
Darimu… [2x]
Koleksi Alexa yang lain.
Mp3 Download & Lirik Lagu Alexa – Jangan Kau Lepas
Gambar Artis Indonesia
Download Youtube Video Clip Alexa – Jangan Kau Lepas
Foto Artis Indonesia
Hati Or Hati-Hati??
Anyway...apa yg berlaku sepanjang aq mendiamkan diri??
byk kebanyakkannya kegembiraan la...coz sepanjang dr tarikh keramat aq (26062010) sampe ari ni dh masuk 4 bulan lebih...hati aq kini d miliki n aq memiliki...:D
syukur...syukur sgt...walau apa pun yg akan sentiasa dgn si dia...hope si dia akan rasa begitu juga..walaupun jarang kalo kena bab gaduh...tiap2 hari ntah la...semakin hari semakin sayang...semakin hari semakin bertambah sayang...
hope berpanjangan...hope sinar mentari sentiasa bersama ku...hope kebahagian tu akan jd miliki selamanya...ammmiinnnn...:D
ni ttg "ahli2" dlm umah aq lak...
mmg besh...dulu kecik jer...skg nih...huk3...boss aq tgk pun terkejut...dh besau...:D
jap...nk upload pic2 derang...tgu yer...
pix2 tu aq capture semlm pas drg penat bermain...hbs bersepah 1 x per...peneman aq time aq my lovely ELMO n both of u so hati-hati...kuat menggigit n mencakar..hehehe
k lah...sampe sini dulu la...nnt balik aq sambung ag yer...byk sgt nk citer..byk sgt nk upload pix...nk tgk x?? kalo nk..kena la tgu ek..huk3..salam..
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Never take some1 for granted, hold every person u love close 2 ur heart because u might wake up 1 day n realize dat u've lost a diamond while u were too busy collecting stones.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
26 on 26th of 06 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
tp knp selalu jer yg x baik jer terjadi kt aq??
adakah aq ni sempurna??
tp knp selalu jer kesempurnaan tu di cemari??
adakah aq ni mulia??
tp knp kemuliaan aq tu di salah erti??
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
A Night when We Are Together..
Okay...recently la (baru lg..dlm 2 or 3 hari lepas la kesah nih)..starting from :
1 - Friday...everybody rasanya dh tahu kan..makna Jumaat mlm tuk anak2 muda kan??or lebih senang d panggil remaja...apa lg..berhibur dgn kwn2...termasuk gak la aq nih...bersama2 dgn kwn2...3 lelaki n 2 perempuan...arah tujan kami hanya 1 destinasi walaupun 1 kereta dr Putrajaya n 1 lg dr Sri hati kami telah bersatu..:D..Kuala Lumpur...Jalan P. Ramlee...tersergam pelbagai hiburan tuk di nikmati...dgn berbekalkan hanya duit n ic jer..kami terus mengorak langkah dr "parking lot" ke "club" yg telah lama tersedia menanti kunjungan tetamu2 seperti kami nih..hehehe...mlm tu mmg besh...enjoy n marvelous la...coz memasing dh lama x meng"happy"kan diri memasing...:D
Pas settle meng"happy"kan diri...terasa lapar n dahaga apa lg..."soru" time...walaupun dh kul 3++am...tempat yg di tuju : NZ Curry House, Wangsamaju..." 3 maggie goreng, 1 mee goreng ayam n 1 chappati..3 carrot susu air, 1 carrot "0" n 1 air tembikai"...huk3..itu lah yg kami order pg tu...sambil mkn..sambil bercerita...byk la adegan2 lucu yg terjadi secara x sengaja kt NZ kalo nk citer pun susah...nnt la aq try cr solution tuk masukkan kt blog ker...apa ker...harap bersabar ek...
Bila dh kenyang apa lg...mata pun dh steam..kepala pun dh berat..badan2 pun dh lenguh dek "terkinja2" kt club td...jom la balik...hehehee..bersambung keesokkan harinya...
2 - Saturday..errmmm...sampe umah pun pg td dh kat2 kul 5am..apa lg...tidow x sedar diri la..sedar2 jer jam dh kul 11++am...adat la...nk cukupkan 6 jam gak, semlm aq x balik rumah..tidow umah kwn baik aq kt Putrajaya...tghari tu sarapan + lunch = bihun goreng n air sarsi (kalo x silap la...)..bluurrppp..alhamdulillah..kenyang...apa lg...sambung balik tidow...hehehehe...kul 4pm jer..mmb aq kejutkan aq bgn..coz aq kena balik rumah coz nk g KL lak mlm nih..ada weeding ceremony ( my boss kt Baan 26 , Changkat Bukit Bintang ) kan..elok jer aq siap2 nk balik rumah..terdgr la something kt cuping telinga ckp dlm hati..sah la ptg ni x leh kuar g KL...pasti akan lebat...mmg betul kuar jer dr rumah mmb aq tu...tgk langit..mak apa lg..bergegas la ke motor..balik kan...malang nasib aq...sesampe jer kt rumah..hujan dh pun mencurah2 ke bumi...huk3..jawapannya...cancel la g weeding ceremony tu...
Cancel g weeding mlm tu tetap nk kena kuar call mmb2 aq...confirm..drg pun nk, apa lg...agenda utama...Karaoke sebelum tu..kami g memenuhkan perut dulu...lapar wei..dr kul 2 sampe kul 10 x mkn...huk...
sesi pemilihan' CT...:D
org dok sibuk nyanyi..yg sorunk tu x hbs2 dgn handphone...tahu arr handphone pinky...:D
3 - Sunday..pagi2 lg, mmb aq g opis jap...ada urusan penting...Iron Lady Malaysia dtg opis dier..huk3..kul 10.15am kot aq terjaga..(dgr siren Polis..terkojut gak)..but actually dh lama aq terjaga...sajer malas nk kuar bilik...(lupa nk inform...tido umah mmb lg...) tepat jam 10.25am..mmb aq call suruh siap2..nk g bekpes..apa lg...mandi2 n pake baju sangkakan..nk g bekpes terus..rupanya kena menyinggah dulu jap kt Carrefour..coz ada brg2 yg blom lg di beli...ishhkkk..asyik lupa la nk bgtau..(actually..mmb2 aq ni tgh beli brg tuk mkn mlm nnt...drg nk wat majlis ni sekadar membantu2 tu jer...)
So, bila dh hbs membeli belah...kuar2 dr Carrefour tgk langit mcm dh mlm...gelap giler...huk3...hujan lebat...apa lg..terus la menuju ke kereta...sekali lg sarapan + lunch = kt FoodCourt P8...nasi + ikan pari + sayur kacang + air station...P11..bali rumah la...hehehhe
Di ringkaskan cerita la...sbb aq rasa dh panjang sgt nih...mlm tu kami still lg berlima...celebrate sesama majlis tu..mmg meriah dgn mknan...ibarat cam 15 org punya nk mkn...n menu tuk mlm tu : nasi putih, ikan bawal masak 3 rasa, sayur sawi, sup cendawan, udang goreng kunyit n acar buah..minuman : air apa boleh wat...selesai gak mknan mlm tu...5 org jer yg semuanya pakat bela hantu raya...wakakakaka...
tu la...mkn byk lg..kan dh melinkar cam "ulau"...
saat bahagia kami bersama...5 sekawan...:D
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Salam...morning...10.20am d gemparkan dgn 1 berita nih..terkejut gak la..walaupun dh tahu mmg akan ada yg wt cam nih..
Ada la sorunk blogger nih...suka sgt nk amik (in others word : copy n paste) pix org lain n masukkan kt dlm blog dier..adeh...ada ke patut...tu dh menyalahi undang2 dh nih...dh la copy n paste...x bgtau tuan empunya lak tu...dulu, masa blogger ni org wat copy n paste pix2 kt blog dier...dier marah sgt..sumpah seranah skg, dunia dh terbalik...dier lak yg wat kt org lain lak...zalim sungguh...huk3..
So, kepada blogger tu...insaf2 lah yer..kesian kt yg menjadi mangsa keadaan tu...fikir2kan lah..insaf la...kita hidup x lama...:D
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Trolley n Kotak...
By the way...just nk share la 1 story yg berlaku pg td...x der apa la leh la nk wat org senyum skit...:D
Kisah nyer bermula mcm td..pah sampe opis lepak2 la kt tmpt aq nih..nothing got to be done...semuanya dh, tgh lepaking...dtg la My IT Manager...bgtau yg Kak Shidah (receptionist) tuk Tech Office cr apa lg...trus la g depan...sampe jer...akak tu bgtau..nk minta tlg dgn aq..."Dik, tolong jap leh x...adik g bwh..(mean Acc. Dept.) jumpa dhn Siew Kim..amik kertas label tuk print student list...n jng lupa bwk trolley yer...ada SEPULUH kotak...berat2 tu.." reply la balik..."Byknyer kak...sampe SEPULUH kotak"..
Aq pun dgn gigihnyer g la amik trolley kt Server Room..bwk la g Acc. Dept. tuk berjumpa dgn Siew Kim...(baik orgnya...) ni malas nk guna lift kalo bwk trolley, sampe jer kt tangga antara Middle School n Admin angkat jer trolley tu...tu satu kes...sampe jer kt Acc. trus la g kt bilik Siew Kim...n selalunya kalo ada kotak2 dh leh nmpk dh kt luar bilik Siew aq pelik...x nmpk pun...n bila si Siew Kim ni nmpk aq dtg drn trolley...dia tru mengelak pun bertambah2 la hairan...huk3...(terfikir sejenak aq knp yer...)Aq pun g la jumpa Siew Kim...korunk tahu apa Siew Kim ckp??? " Sayang...knp la u bwk ini trolley??" reply la balik..."Tadi Kak Shidah suruh bwk trolley, suruh jumpa u amik itu SEPULUH kotak kertas label.."..Siew Kim reply balik..." Aiyok...ini perempuan sudah nyanyok ka..."...Siew Kim trus capai phone n call Kak pun heran gak la...pah tu dia leh bantai gelak lak kuat2...hbs semua tgk...malu seh...pah letak phone...dia suruh la aq amik kotak tu bwk nek atas...pah tu Siew Kim ckp kt aq.." X pa la sayang..u layan jer Shidah tu..dia sudah jadi pelupa skg nih..." la jd mangsa skg nih..
Tp mmg betul la ada kotak yg aq kena angkat guna kan...yg sedihnya...korunk nk tahu apa dier...jap nk try upload pic2 yg aq sempat amik td semasa tunggu lift tuk nek ke 2nd floor....jap yer...
SEPULUH tolak PULUH...tinggal SE jer kan...itu jer la jumlah kotak yg aq kena pick up..
Tp..apa2 pun...conclusion yg aq leh dpt dr sini...kalo nk wat keje tu..kena la dpt details yg bebetul..kalo x...jd la cam aq nih lain salah lain lak yg jd mangsa...huk3..
p/s : njoy ur life...:D
Thursday, April 8, 2010
::...Angin Malam...::
Mencengkam menghempas
Membelai wajah aku
Itulah kenangan yang terakhir darimu
Kudekati dirimu kau diam
Tersungging senyuman di bibirmu
Itulah senyuman yang terakhir darimu
Alam yang jadi saksi
Kau serahkan jiwa raga
Angin tetap berhembus
Tak henti
Walaupun sampai akhir hayatku
Tapi tak lagi kau berada di sisiku
Oh... angin malam bawalah daku
Kepadanya... oh... oh...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Love Quote..
"Mysterious love, uncertain treasure Hast thou more of pain or pleasure! Endless torments dwell about thee: Yet who would live, and live without thee!"
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Cerita Ku...
Pe kabor??huhuhuh...(dh lama menghilangkan geggila...siang keje..pas opis hour ada xtivi lain lak kt, mmg dh jarang on9 tuk update kt blog nih..)
Tapi...apa2 pun..this week merupakan minggu yg bolh d katakan besh gak la...ada seomeone yg x pernah aku jumpa...n aku dpt jumpa gak akhirnya...kawan lama (lama ker...??boleh ker guna ayat lama tu ek??rasanya sejak thn lepas dh kenal....hurmmm boleh kot)....originally from Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu...nice buddy...kenal dh lama...skg br dpt jumpa...seorg yg baik hati...nice tutur kata..mesra alam..(mesra ek??)..kuat jalan (tp last2 org tu gak yg tumbang) aku happy jer sepanjang dgn dia nih...ntah la...sbb mungkin dh lama kenal n kami jd apa2 pun..thnx a lot my frenz...coz sudi gak bertemu...huhuhu...
But, there is something that come along with our happiness..the sadness that been in disturbing my frenz..dunno the real story untill we meet n start discussing...then now i really understand my frenz...d feeling...what hurting...what was playing in mind for a long, sad..but have to face it..reality...broken heart is still a broken heart...just let time to mend it...
4 my frenz...if u feel alone..dun worry...i'll be there 4 cover all the emptiness...but, i'll always pray that u'll be the strongest person on the earth to face the sadness...n u are not alone...
Friday, February 5, 2010
good morning...
Awal pagi lg dh wat entry baru kan..hehehhe..bukan apa...pagi ni stuck kt Stesen Mobil kt Puchong..coz hujan d pagi hari...hehhehe...x sangka lak leh selebat ni...sampe kt ptrol pump ni dlm kul 7am td..skg ni dh kul, dh sejam aku kt sini...
Boss aku dh inform, head aku pun aku dh inform, Chun (chinese lady) pun aku dh inform...leh la dia tolong jaga front office tuk aku pagi nih...(bidan terjun la ko pagi ni Chun..huhuhu)...nasib baik boss sporting, apa2 just inform keje tetap kena g..kalo x..mampos la keje melambak...
Tapi aku rasa la kan, aku dh x der keje sgt yg nk d buat..semlm byk yg dah settle...Help Desk pun byk yg dh aku close n resolved..apa lg ek...keje tuk Kak Shidah pun dh aku settlekan...keje yg Charllote bg pun dh siap, maknanya...aku dh x der keje la ari nih..hehehe....
Adeh, hujan masih blom menunjukkan tuk benti...baper lama lg ek aku kena tgu nih...aku kalo leh x nk la sampe opis lewat...nnt drg ckp...aku saja2 lak dtg lewat..padahal hujan yg amat lebat pagi nih kt area Puchong nih..huhuhuhuhu...
Skg n..time tuk aku tgu hujan benti jer...aku dh kebasahan td..kesejukkan skg, i'll upadate u later...bye for now...salam...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
tp aku rasa cam dunia hayalan jer...
tp sekejap terasa nyata plak...
mana satu aku nih??
aku harus waras...
aku harus tegas...
aku harus sedar...
di mana letaknya diriku ini....
yakin kan diri...
tenangkan fikiran...
hilangkan gundah di hati...
hilangkan resah di dada...
aku bukan bermimpi lg...
betul la... "dia" di depan ku...
"dia" ada di sisi ku...
"dia" untuk ku....
Sunday, January 24, 2010
apa aku perlu wat???
aku cuba tuk mencarinya semakin aku dekat..semakin ia jauh dr aku...
kemana rasa dahulu itu ingin pergi???
aku ingin bersama rasa dahulu itu...
bantu aku....
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Kau Aku
Kau dan aku ,adalah satu
Tak kira apa
Segala rintihan aku ,engkau selalu ada
Biar kata memisah kita
Biarkan saja
Kerana terbiasa
Mengejar mimpi ,yang pasti akan aku
Sentiasa merasa kehilanganmu
Ku akan tunggu saat bertemu
Tiada henti
Walau dimana kita berdiri
Di dalam dunia ini
Biar sampai akhirnya nanti
Semua tak terang di mataku ,walau warnanya menyala
Ingin merasa namun aku takkan cuba
Biar kata memisah kita
Biarkan saja
Kerana terbiasa
Mengejar mimpi ,yang pasti akan aku
Sentiasa merasa kehilanganmu
Ku akan tunggu saat bertemu
Tiada henti
Walau dimana kita berdiri
Di dalam dunia ini
Biar sampai akhirnya nanti
Biar sampai akhirnya nanti
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
How Do I???
::How do I get through one night without you
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be
Oh and I, I need you in my arms
Need you to hold
You're my world, my heart, my soul
If you ever leave
Baby, you would take away everything good in my life::
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Fettuccini Carbonara
- 5 teaspoons olive oil
- 4 shallots, diced
- 1 large onion, cut into thin strips
- 1 pound bacon, cut into strips
- 1 clove garlic, chopped
- 1 (16 ounce) package fettuccini pasta
- 3 egg yolks
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- 3/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
- salt and pepper to taste
- Heat olive oil in a large heavy saucepan over medium heat. Saute shallots until softened. Stir in onion and bacon, and cook until bacon is evenly browned. Stir in garlic when bacon is about half done. Remove from heat.
- Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente. Drain pasta, then return it to the pot.
- In a medium bowl, whisk together egg yolks, cream, and shredded Parmesan. Pour the bacon mixture over the pasta, then stir in the cream mixture. Season with salt and pepper.
Friday, November 20, 2009
::..Plastic chemicals 'feminise boys'...::
Plastic chemicals 'feminise boys'
Male hormones drive boyish play |
Chemicals in plastics alter the brains of baby boys, making them "more feminine", say US researchers.
Males exposed to high doses in the womb went on to be less likely to play with boys' toys like cars or to join in rough and tumble games, they found.
The University of Rochester team's latest work adds to concerns about the safety of phthalates, found in vinyl flooring and PVC shower curtains.
The findings are reported in the International Journal of Andrology.
Plastic furniture
Phthalates have the ability to disrupt hormones, and have been banned in toys in the EU for some years.
However, they are still widely used in many different household items, including plastic furniture and packaging.
There are many different types and some mimic the female hormone oestrogen.
The same researchers have already shown that this can mean boys are born with genital abnormalities.
Now they say certain phthalates also impact on the developing brain, by knocking out the action of the male hormone testosterone.
Dr Shanna Swan and her team tested urine samples from mothers over midway through pregnancy for traces of phthalates.
The women, who gave birth to 74 boys and 71 girls, were followed up when their children were aged four to seven and asked about the toys the youngsters played with and the games they enjoyed.
Girls' play
They found that two phthalates DEHP and DBP can affect play behaviour.
Boys exposed to high levels of these in the womb were less likely than other boys to play with cars, trains and guns or engage in "rougher" games like playfighting.
Elizabeth Salter-Green, director of the chemicals campaign group CHEM Trust, said the results were worrying.
"We now know that phthalates, to which we are all constantly exposed, are extremely worrying from a health perspective, leading to disruption of male reproduction health and, it appears, male behaviour too.
"This feminising capacity of phthalates makes them true 'gender benders'."
She acknowledged that the boys who have been studied were still young, but she said reduced masculine play at this age might lead to other feminised developments in later life.
But Tim Edgar, of the European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates, said: "We need to get some scientific experts to look at this study in more detail before we can make a proper judgement."
He said there were many different phthalates in use and the study concerned two of the less commonly used types that were on the EU candidate list as potentially hazardous and needing authorisation for use.
DBP has been banned from use in cosmetics, such as nail varnish, since 2005 in the EU.
The British Plastics Federation said: "Chemical safety is of paramount importance to the plastics industry which has invested heavily in researching the substances it uses.
"Moreover, the new European Chemical Regulation, REACH, will ensure further rigorous evaluation and testing or chemical substances and their uses."
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Dimiliki & Memiliki
Hi guys...wazz up??apa ek nk coret ari nih...hah...DIMILIKI and MEMILIKI...apa pendapat korunk semua la ttg perkataan tersebut??bg aku ada citer d sebalik perkataan nih...
Ni actually citer ttg sahabt baik aku la..dia ni dh lama men'solo'kan diri dier...dh byk kali la dier ni try to be with somebody, tp asyik x menjadi..x melekat...rame gak kenalan shabat aku nih..biler dier nk jer kt somebody tu lak jual biler dier x nk kan...ada lak yg nk kt shabat aku nih...rasanya dh setahun lebih sahabat aku ni men'solo'kan diri dier..aku tanya dier knp dh jarang nk jumpa semua kan...dia ckp commitment dgn keje lg bagus..tumpu pada keje...(ckp org2 yg dh frust)hehehe...
Tp nk d jadikan citer lah...1 hari tu, sahabat aku ni d pertemukan dgn sesorg yg juga sedang mencari utk dimiliki and memiliki..drg ni pun berkenalan la...semuanya bermula dr internet la..msg2 kt forum...pas tu bertukar nombor..pas tu berjangkit lak msg2 d handphone..pas tu call..tup2...dh ada yg melamar...tuk d jadikan teman hidup...hidup yg singkat ini...pening gak sahabat aku ni memikirkan cr yg terbaik...supaya x nk sakit kan mana2 lah, rame kenalan...rame yg d adjustnyer...huhuhuh...(player ker sahabat aku nih??)
Sahabat aku ni pun call la sorunk lg mmb dier kt Selatan Tanah Air...bertanyakan pendapat...apa yg perlu dia wat tuk mslh dier nih...nk cr solution la...mmb der ni pun bg la penpadat..lebih kurang cam ni lah ayat dier.."ko accept jer dulu n then minta tempoh percubaan,time ni korunk kenal la masing2 mcm mana..kalo serasi go on..kalo x serasi, cuba cr jalan terbaik tuk settle it down..coz korunk ni br sgt berkenalan..mcm laju sgt jer nk keputusan.."
Sahabat aku pun ikut jer dgn pendapat mmb dier tu...syukur, yg nk dimiliki and memiliki tu pun x tahu la baper lama la tempoh percubaan tu...sesama la kita doakan kebahagiaan drg ni...semoga kekal la...x mo la cerai-berai...
p/s: kalo korunk semua ada idea2 yg bernas tuk sesebuah relationship tu kan...leh lew comment yer...mana la nk tau..leh menambahkan lg knowledge masing2...yer x... :D
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
aku bukanlah superman
aku juga bisa nangis
jika kekasih hatiku
pergi meninggalkan aku
ayahku selalu berkata padaku
laki-laki tak boleh nangis
harus slalu kuat
harus slalu tangguh
harus bisa jadi tahan banting
tapi ternyata sakitnya cinta
buat aku menangis
*ulang reff
ayahku selalu memarahi aku
jika jatuh air mataku
kata ayah slalu air mata itu
adalah tanda kelemahan
tapi ternyata air mataku
ternyata jatuh juga
*ulang reff
ayahku tersayang maafkanlah aku
jika aku masih menangis
masih belum bisa menjadi seperti
apa yang ayah selalu mau
kita berjanji ’tuk tidak lagi
menangis karena cinta
*ulang reff [3x]
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Happy Birthday..
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
::..Bawaku Terbang..::
Friday, October 23, 2009
Shakespeare...Sonnet 18
Got something to share with you guys..Something that I love...Something that make me thinking about my life..what gonna be..what should i do...So, hope enjoy it... :D
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this and this gives life to thee.
The End...coming up with more and more entry like this...:D
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Lunch Time...
Yesterday was my happiest day ever I had in this month..I had lunch at The Royale Bintang Hotel, Bukit Bintang with someone that I really missed...last met them 14 years ago and at that time I was only 11 years old..and now is my second time to meet them..they still look same like b4..I mean 14 years back..their figure..their, lovely to meet again..
Want to know who that persons??
They are my parent friends a.k.a my adopted Granny and Grandad from Australia, they just arrived Malaysia yesterday morning and stayed at The Royale Bintang Hotel for 2 days and then will fly to Penang till 11th Nov and be back to Australia after that.Miss them so much...huhuhu...
Here their are :
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Miss You So Much...
Hi all...
It take such a long time for me to write a new story about me..Lot of incident happened to me...sickness..sadness..happiness..joyful..etc...huhuhu...
The bad..I didn't enjoy my raya celebration this year..I had bad fever on the 3rd day of raya till 9th day after that...went to the Sg. Buloh G.H, the doctor said that I'm okay..not 1 time..but 2 times I went there..and they only said that I just had a normal fever...and also they gave me the wrong medicine..the medicine that make more sick...I didn't have any meal for 2 days..just drink plain water...I can't take any medicine that contain "Penicillin", but that is waht i got from the the result of taking that penicillin, I got rashes on my face, I can't eat anything..if I ate, I will thrown it out back..and also I got bad hick-up and this thing happened after I drank something in liquid form..I recover after went to a specialist clinic and had 2 injection for the fever I got and after an hour, everything turn to be okay back..
The good one..I manage to help my frenz that who in need my help..I glad that I can help my frenz..such a good memory for me..not to be proud of myself..but just to keep as a good memory.. :D
The worst one...I already missed my frenz...since past 2 month I didn't meet him...I don't know what had just happened to me..I felt uneasy to meet him now..don't know why..but I miss him so much..really missed him...missed his joke..missed his style..missed his laugh..missed his smile..missed a lot about him..
What should I do??Should I meet him now or later or don't?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Balik Puchong...
Al-Kisah...ari ni aku bgn awal sesgt...x cukup tido...ngantuk...kul 6am dh kena bgn..sbb ari ni aku kena balik puchong...nk g anta motor g service...tkt nnt x sempat lak biler dh start keje, apa lg...awal pagi lg la aku dh siapkan diri the td ayah aku yg anta g, okay skit la...
Sampe jer terminal...bas dh ada..(tu..bas yg kt atas tu...sebijik), x yah la nk berebut-rebut dgn org lain ttg tmpt duduk...mesT ada punya la tmpt duduk...hehehe...syukur..x rame ari ni yg nk g KL waktu pagi cam nih...kalo x..kena tunggu next round punya bas lew..
Perjalanan ari ni mmg best..tenang..sejuk...damai...x sesak kepala dgn kenderaan lain..lega...sampe jer kt KL..aku amik Putra g umah makcik aku kt Setiawangsa...amik motor..n then trus balik Puchong...x singgah pun..malas lak aku..tkt lambat lak nnt urusan selesai...
Sharp kul 10.30am...aku sampe Puchong..balik umah dulu...g tgk keadaan umah cam ner..syukur..semuanya masih ada..lengkap..x der cacat celanya...pas tu aku g kedai guntng rambut...n then pas gunting rambut br la g bengkel..pun sama gak keadaan ari nih...x rame kt, senang la urusan aku dgn tokei kedai motor tu...aku tinggalkan kunci n motor aku kt tokei tu...n tokei tu ckp..dh siap dia call..
Pas settle..aku pun apa lg...bergegas la thn bas lak kt area umah aku g KL tuk balik kt, mcm tu la activity aku ari nih...bosan syukur sbb motor dh g anta service...mlm ni x tau lg aa activity..rasanya camnk g mkn SATAY TULANG jer kt dataran SENAWANG...huhuhu...besh..besh..
So, tgu update mlm ni yer..pas balik dr mkn SATAY TULANG...(kalo jd la, kalo x...berita sedih la esok...hehehehe)...bye...
4th day..
tp apa2 pun..sampe gak hajat aku tuk g umah Aini...dh byk kali dia ajak x berkesempatan...ari ni jer yg ada...tu pun nasib baik la my parents ok jer..drg pun nk g jejln..coz dh x tahu nk wat apa2 kan...
pas g umah Aini..kitaorg g TESCO Extra lak kt Seremban 2...g shopping brg dapur...g tambah memana yg dh kurang...x byk pilihan kt sini..huhu..penat jer berjalan...last2 x beli apa2 sgt..skit2 jer...masa nk kuar dr pintu mom leh lak ajak g kt satu booth nih..jual gelang, rantai, cincin n jam yg ada mom tanya..nk beli x..coz bagus tuk kesihatan...n my mom suggest sirih aku beli rantai dier..huhuhu..tambah lg la collection rantai aku nih hah...nnt leh la nk berlawan dgn my, apa lg...kena la aku membelinya next month..coz duit bulan ni nk pake bali kat umah dh hancus...huhuh..
hah..terlupa lak...sebut ttg uamh Aini td...aku ada amik pic family mlm ni x sempat la nk upload..coz digi cam dlm, rasanya esok jer kot ek...
oklah..dh lewat mlm dh,jumpa esok yer...bye...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri..1430H...
Apa kabor??sihat keR??cam ner dgn Raya??ok ker??
sorry la...lama x meng'upload' something kt sini pas peristiwa panggilan boom kali ke dua ari tu..mmg hampeh..trus men'down'kan mood tuk mengedit something...yer la..bayangkan kalo tgh rancak2 menulis or mengedit something..tetiba dpt pengumuman 'boom drill'...mau kelam kabut di buatnyer...apa yg nk d 'upload' n 'edit' pun akan trus lupa...huhuhu..
So, bebalik pada citer ner?meriah x raya tahun nih??thn ni aku raya kt first year celebrate right here...meriah la gak ka sini...mula2 igt rame yg balik kampung..rupa2nya..byk gak yg dh js pemastautin tetap kt TTJ nih...n then..akak aku pun beraya sekali tahun nih, rame la kt umah nih..
Second day, x g memana...cuma mlm semlm jer member baik aku dgn husband dier dtg umah..Aini Zuraida binti Ahmad n Mohd Nazri bin Suin + their family dtg umah...melawat sambil beraya...happening gak lew...aku n my mom masak mee goreng...sedap kurang pedas la..coz aku igtkan Aini tgh pregnant, so x nk la masak pedas2..tktk apa lak jd apa yg leh aku ckp..thnx so much Aini..sampe gak ko kt umah aku nih..
Third day (ari ni)..ari ninyer tgh ari..Pak Ngah aku singgah umah..drg satu family dr kampung otw balik ke KL...apa lg..masak lg ari ari ni wat bihun sup..(actually bukan bihun jer..mee ada..keow teow pun ada)..sedap...sedap...huhuhu...mlm ni pun aku mkn benda yg sama...coz wat byk, mmg ada balance, pada sesapa yg nk dtg tu..leh lg...meh lew... :D
So, 4 tomorrow...x tahu lg..may b g umah Aini lak kot..memandangkan drg dh dtg umah, ni nk membalas balik lew...Nazri pun khamis dh nk balik Labuan, better aku g esok jer..
So, nnt apa2..aku update lg lah..nk g mkn jap..bye...da...Salam..n jng lupa..njoy saat2 yg mendatang...